Golf betting strategy to follow

August 04 2021

Get to know the difference amongst the golf courses  

The golf courses are quite different like some of them are rocky, on flat areas or hilly areas or foresty and some of these courses demand accuracy off the tee in order to make it par like the foresty courses while others don’t demand too much accuracy like flat courses. Some hotshot golf players are known to be successful winners on certain textures of golf courses than others. 

This is quite tricky because past performances might not make the cut where a player is best known to play really well on a certain course texture and he/she is to play on a different course texture. 

Study past performance statistics of a player or players

A player’s past performances deeply affect their current potential to win or lose a tournament. The statistics here are the greens in regulation (GIR). Technically a player who is hitting a lot of greens or has a higher GIR percentage is more likely to make you money than the player whose GIR is low. Then you also go in deep in figuring out the putts per GIR which give you a direction on how good a player is inputting as per the number of greens hit.

Avoid Amateur golf players

 These usually apply to tour tournaments like the PGA tour where the championship winner is exempt from such tours and is given up to five years to enter other major reputable tournaments. 

The 5 years are spent with less travel and more training on weaker spots making them better.

There are more experienced players who are willing to keep to their card or choice to pick money games they want to participate in this you should be wary of the amateur or inexperienced players who are new on the field.

Analyze the golf player’s injuries

Golf as a sport might not be one of too much action like rugby or boxing but swings taken by a player might greatly be affected by any injuries acquired by the player so keeping up with their injury reports should be top priority.

Find valuable bets and bet on a variety of betting markets

Finding value in a betting market is really great as it will keep you in profit over a long period of time. 

How to find value in the odds offered? Value = (probability x odd) – 1 with a value that is greater than 0, then that is a value bet.

While the use of a variety of betting markets spreads your risks and also minimizes the risk too.

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